Bubbles and Beyond: Cosmic Study Session


Max is studying at her desk and Yumi is watching over her shoulder. Yumi asks 'What are you doing?' startling Max who shouts 'AAAAH!' Max turns around and speaks with Yumi. She says 'Y-Yumi! You scared me...' Yumi asks 'What are you doing?' and Max says 'Oh, it's just some homework. I'm having a little trouble though... It's hard to calculate the distance of planets I can't even see... Haha...' Yumi jumps on Max's back, squishing her face into the desk. She says 'I can help!' and Max replies 'Really?' Yumi grabs Max's hand and drags her off, saying 'Come on!' She pulls Max out the window and into the sky, creating a giant bubble that encircles the two of them and carries them up and out of view. Max finally finds the courage to open her eyes, and she sees that Yumi has taken the two of them into space. The Earth and stars float in the background as Yumi holds Max's hand. Max looks into Yumi's eyes, blushing. Yumi grins and asks 'Does this help?' Max looks away and says 'Um, well... It's beautiful, but... I'm afraid of heights.' Yumi simply replies 'Oh.' The end!


Story and art: Luna

Read more about these characters in Bubbles and Beyond.